At the beginning...
- A discussion with the client takes place to understand the event's purpose and needs.
- A pre-event estimate is then created. This aids in identifying the space and services needed as well as providing anticipated financial obligation.
When ready to secure your venue...
- A License Agreement (Contract) is then presented to book your event.
- A non-refundable deposit is required at the time the contract is signed.
As the event draws closer...
- Show advance begins with your assigned Event Manager will occur in order to better detail the layouts, equipment needs, and services required.
- Your event is listed on our website calendar and promoted through digital and printed signage along with social media.
Two weeks before event...
- A pre-event invoice is presented for payment in full.
At the conclusion...
- Upon the conclusion of the event, a finalized inventory of the actual usage will be confirmed. A final invoice will be produced. The difference will be paid accordingly. Either the client will pay the difference, or the Cabarrus Arena & Events Center will reimburse the difference.