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COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic - CLINIC IS FULL

Date: Jan 29, 2021
Time: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
All upcoming vaccinations will be made by appointment only. To schedule a first dose appointment, please visit the CHA scheduling website HERE

For second dose information and appointment scheduling, please visit the CHA scheduling webpage HERE

Cabarrus Health Alliance's COVID-19 staff are actively vaccinating individuals who fall within Phase 1a, Phase 1b - Group 1, and Phase 1b - Group 2. Currently scheduled vaccination clinic dates are listed below, no appointment necessary. Those who fall in Phase 1a, Phase 1b - Group 1, and Phase 1b - Group 2 who would like to receive the vaccine are asked to do the following:
  • Print and bring the completed registration form that can be accessed here: https://www.cabarrushealth.org/DocumentCenter/View...
  • Bring a copy of their insurance card (front and back)
  • Bring proof of ID that qualifies them as being in Phase 1a, Phase 1b - Group 1, or Phase 1b - Group 2

Scheduled Clinic Dates:

January 29th - Phase 1a, Phase 1b - Group 1, & Phase 1b - Group 2 (CLINIC IS FULL)

If you need to CANCEL an appointment please email your name, appointment date, and appointment time to healthinfo@cabarrushealth.org.

An appointment is required. Individuals who arrive more than 30 minutes prior to their scheduled appointment time will be asked to return closer to the time of their appointment. Proof of residency is not required, but please consider attending a vaccination clinic in your community. Immigration status is not shared with anyone; however name and demographics are submitted to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NC DHHS) COVID Vaccine Management System (CVMS).

Second Dose Appointment Scheduling
CHA has opened second dose appointments on their website. Individuals who have already received their first dose were given a 'COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card'. The date on the back of that card is NOT an appointment, it is the first day the patient is eligible to receive their second dose. Please visit the CHA's COVID-19 vaccination website to schedule a second dose appointment on available clinic dates.

Information about each phase can be found at the Vaccination Details link below. Individuals can also direct questions to CHA's Health Information staff at healthinfo@cabarrushealth.org or (704)920-1213.

Vaccine Waitlist
From time to time, people do not show for their COVID-19 vaccine appointment. CHA's goal is to fill every appointment slot and use every dose at every clinic. To be added to the waitlist and potentially be contacted if a last-minute vaccine appointment becomes available, visit the waitlist sign up form HERE.
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